Sunday, August 31, 2008

Simple Truths

Three events today happened that taught me some lessons this week.
1. Right now I am working on the primary program
2. I went to my Church website and found out that they have a new teaching manual for the nursery (children under 3)
3. Today I was in charge doing singing time in nursery where we sing song about Jesus.

What I learned from these things is that there are some simple and beautiful truths that I have been taught since I was a child that I feel have made me the person that I am. First and I think most important is that I am a Child of God. I have been singing that since I was a child and I sang it again today with the little ones at church. It just hit me, these sweet, innocent children are Heavenly Father's children and if they are, I am too. He loves us so much and wants us to be happy and to be the best we can. The other thing I learned is how important it is to understand this truth. I know that if I am thinking about my relationship with Heavenly Father, I will act the way I should. I know that it is important for these little children to be taught from the time they are young about their relationship with God. I am so glad that working in the primary has given me that opportunity.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Leaving a doughnut sitting on the desk

In church today the speaker read this story. It's really long so I am not going to copy and paste it, but it is a sort of parable about the atonement. It is such an important illustration that Christ died for us whether we accept it or not. It already happened and the blessings it opens to us are so lasting and beautiful. All we have to do is accept Christ and try to live me like him. Sometimes this is a difficult thing for me. I am impatient and judgemental and Christ is such a supreme example of what we should be. He is perfect and didn't have to suffer for his own sins, but loved us so much he was willing to suffer for our sins. I want to act in such a way that people around me know that I believe in Christ and try to be like him. If there have been times that you have seen me act in a way that doesn't align with what I say, I want to take this chance to apologize and to announce that I will try to improve.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


When I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis I talked to my mom and she said you should get a blessing. Then I was talking to Rich's mom about it and she said you should get a blessing. These two things made me think a lot about faith. Is it because of a lack of faith that I don't want to ask for the arthritis to be gone? I have thought about it alot and this is what I know. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to be happy, but he also knows that sometimes you have to endure trials. I know that we can ask in faith that we will understand our Father's will for us. I know that when times get hard and I am really hurting I can ask for strength and comfort to endure it. This is very comforting to me. Also, it is so nice to have my husband give me a blessing and know that he is the mouthpiece for Heavenly Father. I know that the blessing he gives me is what my Heavenly Father wants me to understand.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What Makes it True

This last week I was reading the book of Mark. Christ is talking about how the Pharisees had the truth and they became too absorbed in being in the "true church" rather than focusing on the fact that it was the "true church." Which may not make sense the way I describe it, but basically they became too obsessed with the organization and the rules and lost the importance of the doctrine and love of Christ. I was thinking about this and I believe that I belong to the true church on earth right now. So what makes it true?? It isn't that they people are anymore good or perfect (their are a lot of good people in all churches and their are plenty of jerks that are in my religion) and it isn't the buildings (they are pretty plain actually). The thing that makes it true is the authority and the doctrines. Which are many and I don't have time to to discuss all of them (nor do I completely understand all of them.) However, one thing I was thinking about, in regards to authority, is the sealing power. I know that when I married Rich, we weren't just married for the time that we are on earth, but because we were married by someone with the proper authority from God we are sealed together and will be married even after we die. I feel so blessed to know that.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Lost in a Maze

I spend two hours in Primary every Sunday listening to lessons that are prepared to teach children about the gospel. I am amazed at how simple and beautiful it really is. As the teacher presents lessons that teach these little kids in a way they will understand, I find myself learning a great amount. Today was one of those days. The teacher showed a picture of a simple maze and asked if anyone had ever been in a corn maze. I thought about the times I had wandered through a corn maze in Utah. I knew what the map said it looked like from above and it seemed pretty easy, yet I wound up taking wrong turns and running into dead ends. The teacher talked about how much easier it was to trace the maze on the map than being stuck in it. He said when he walked around a maze he wished he could climp up the stalks of corn and see where the wrong turns were and save himself time. Then he compared these corn mazes to life. It was such a perfect analogy. Often I find myself in the maze of life unsure of which turn to take and aware that picking the wrong path will lead me to areas that are deadends at which point I'll have to try to turn my life around and retrace my steps to get back on track. Without a view from above it is difficult to know which path is the right one and which is the wrong. That is the purpose of the Holy Ghost. He has the superior view and can guide us on which path we should take. All we have to do is ask and listen. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless gift, for which I am very thankful.